Preview: Oklahoma Boomers – I want a piece of territory, too

Oklahoma Boomers preview - game is ready

In cooperation with German server Spieleschmiede, we offer you an insight into new abstract game, that is all about grabbing territory. All, who like this type of games should pay attention, because each new addition is good news.

Oklahoma Boomers from Martyn F grabs the gameplay by its horns and is not adding any particular new subject or theme. Story is exactly as you would expect it to be. Explorers found themselves in new territory and will now fight for its distribution. But their movement will be limited by the rules.

We got test version as a Print n Play game. But it was enough for us to print one A4 map of cardboard, read the rules in the PDF and add a few color tokens from our own inventory. Nothing more is needed to play this and you should not expect anything but figurines and tokens from the final product, which at the time of writing reviews is at € 1,999 of the required € 2,300 with 18 days remaining.

Oklahoma Boomers preview - game is ready

Game map shows world divided into squares. Both players put their three family members of their color on the map and also place together several border stones. During the game, one of pieces may be moved simply in a horizontal or vertical direction. Only place where it stops can become starting position for actual placement of a stone.

But even now it is not so simple, because to place it, your man needs four hands. For an unknown reason, he can only ask someone from the rival family to help him. New boundary stone can be placed at the spot, where paths of two characters met (the other one is player selected), just like each of them was moving either horizontally or vertically.

The aim is to surround your players figure in the area, where it will be satisfied. Such an enclosed area can finally mark as their property. At the end of the game, such a place will bring players their points and even victory.

Oklahoma Boomers preview - game in progress

Oklahoma Boomers is a game about longing for home. But the topic is only there, so players are not licking just ordinary stone tokens with their eyes. Game definitely deserves its coat and it helps to attract players, who otherwise would turn up their nose on a puzzle game.

It can be played in only two rivals. With advancing matches, new tactics are emerging. The chances of players are aligned only if one is not a novice. Such new player usually does not stand any chance against experienced rival. Game time is very favorable and one game can be managed in fifteen minutes. Scoring is a little more difficult, because it requires counting of occupied boxes.

Stones not only allow delimiting the area, but also block your opponent. This makes the game quite filled with contact and interesting options. But each game is different due to different starting disposition. In addition, rules include variants, that further extend and limit scoring opportunities. This overall makes planning more difficult.

Oklahoma Boomers preview - game in progress

There is a good emphasis on planning ahead. Game does not contain any form of luck, so everything depends on the capabilities of both opponents. Sense of control brings accessibility to a wider audience and, surprisingly, for a relaxing time in two.

Since this is only a preview, we tested the game only a few times in one gaming circle (usually classical review take us about eight weeks). We may not have a chance to explore every inch of this game. But already from these first games, it is clear, that Oklahoma Boomers will be a nice contribution to a collection for players, who like balanced puzzle games for two opponents.

If you Oklahoma Boomers interested, you can play at the same time support a pre-order for € 20 at:

Preview: Oklahoma Boomers – I want a piece of territory, too
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