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Preview: Scheffeln – trading in the twenties

Scheffeln preview

If you could go back in time to 1915, what would you do? World War II in America is just a breeze blowing across the Atlantic. Maybe you could use your financial knowledge and rush into the business. But you are not alone. Among the other candidates, there is certainly one Reiner Stockhausen, author of the new game Scheffeln, which is close to hitting retail stores.

It can be pushed so far by its fans, who can support it. There is still more than a thousand missing to required € 4,000, but their interest in the game have manifested already 66 players (at time of writing). Let us together look at the game and reasons, why it should interest you as well.

Scheffeln is a game, that prides itself on speed. In your town, you can find eight business districts, which players will pass through in their limos, using motion cards, dealt at the beginning of game. Each site has its funding arranged in the beginning and it is willing to give money only to the best. But the mafia must be able to bluff and especially well in this game.

Scheffeln preview

Each of the players represents during the game one character, but because with enough money, anything is possible, he may find a handy way and change his skin. But now it’s time to delve a little into the secrets of the game itself.

This takes place simply so, that each player chooses one physical card from his or her hand and play it. Limo of same color as played card moves forward. Movement itself is interesting, because a car has to stop on an empty space or it can overlap (and block!) other car, that is already there. More than two limousines will never fit into one district and in this case, vehicle continues riding forwards. When a player sacrifices a movement and one card, he can replace his character with another.

This is followed by the title „Scheffel“ phase. Rewarded are all mafia, whose limousine is in the location by itself or is at least not covered by another hostile car. Only those covered limousines will not bring anything to their owners. All, who have succeeded in the round, will take one money token from their present location and the game continues with new round. When the game ends, players add up their finances and richest mafioso is the winner.

Scheffeln preview

Scheffeln game is very fast and full of bluffing, as we have already indicated. It belongs to the category, which usually gets responses based on contradictory beliefs of a particular player. Some simply do not like game, where you have to read intentions of your opponents.

Rules also contain reaction variant, where everybody plans at the same time, reveal movements, and must guess, where specific limousine ends up. This concept is very well known from other games and because of this, its a sort of relaxation version, not a full game. We liked original one better as its at least a little tactical. But randomness always takes an important place at the table.

To whom we therefore would recommend to support Scheffeln? Players, who like mafia games, bluffing and would like some quick and thematic game, that is good to take with you to various parties.

Scheffeln preview

You can support the game here:

Preview: Scheffeln – trading in the twenties
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