Review: Lanterns The Harvest Festival – glowing lights on water


Whenever a group of glowing lights appear, they are adorned at local valley not only by moths and bats from the environment, but also by hundreds of visitors. Breathtaking theater of thousands of candles blazing in the wind are creating an unforgettable scenery. Its atmosphere is enhanced by nearby water level, where all colors merge into harmony.

We can visit one such festival as well, but our task will be to nicely photograph it. Others will do the light show. We need to connect dots of all those lights together in a game Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, which was prepared for us by Christopher Chung. His work was published under brand of Foxtrot Games, who brought us unforgettable Relic Expedition game. This is a novelty for year 2015. Its creation was also sponsored by 1213 fans on Kickstarter.

And thanks to all these people, authors had eventually to show their creation to world in a small box, reigned on cover by number of differently shaped and colored lights. Lanterns sail across the water towards temple, where we will achieve fundamental knowledge. Path leads through the rulebook and many other things hidden underneath.


First of all, we are talking about 36 lake tiles, which themselves always drawn four sides and same number of colorful slices with lights (of different or same color). Cardboard is also material for tasks tiles, which have a point value, but also color necessary to create final composition. An essential part is a set of 56 cards (eight species), which represent different colors, all of which can be folded into light show. Then all we need is just to mention round tokens of affection and one starting player marker.

At the beginning of the game, each player gets three random lake tiles. Another one is placed in the center in a way that each of participants sits at one its side. According to this tile, players also get lantern card in color shown on that side. Dedication pieces should be divided into three stacks and lantern cards into decks by color. Now, whole game is actually ready and preparing of color festival can be initiated.

Once a player turn comes, he will always be placing a new piece to already created lake. A new group of lanterns may be placed only where its color matches with its neighbour. Two triangles together should create a monochromatic square. Player always gets a reward for it in that color (card), that he was able to connect. Pieces with platforms brings bonus points.


But that is not all. Such a tile does not bring income only for active player, but also by all other colors according to its rotation. Each participant will get one card of color from that tile based on side he faces. This is, when basic round is completed, player only draws new tile from reserve and passes the word clockwise.

Placement itself may be preceded by two more optional actions. First allows exchange of one lantern card for another. But why players collect cards at all? We have not learned this yet and it aims for last activity not mentioned. It is called dedication and thus has already been mentioned. With the help of colored cards, players are trying to meet requirements of spectators and prepare their cards lanterns in requested color combinations. For that player receives tile that will bring main points at the end of the game.

Game over happens, when players runs out of lake tiles. Now it is task for all participants to add up their victory points accumulated on dedication tiles. Only player with highest total is the winner and designer, who will be remembered in conjunction with this year’s festival of lights.


Lanterns: The Harvest Festival attacks family table. And despite its simplicity, it will surprise you a lot how it is doing. At first glance you say – oh, another card game around collecting sets and interconnection patterns. But fortunately it’s only half true.

Basic gameplay is the driving force throughout uniqueness of each turn. It’s all about unique idea of ​​rewarding players according to place, where they are sitting. When you move, you are suddenly in front of a very difficult choice: whether you prefer your own desires or deny rivals their coveted card. This feature will catapult game play feeling very high and gives each game a very interesting experience.

As players collect sets and assemble them, they get reward in form of dedication. Their value decreases over time, so that differences between adversaries are compensated and whole game is exciting until the last minute. But even at the beginning there is not much difference, because Lanterns thrive within half an hour of family entertainment to keep within the category.


Game can entertain all recommended number from two to four opponents. And yet, if you want to enjoy it to the absolute maximum, it is better to play with at least two other opponents. Again, unique giveaway mechanism is to blame, where player does not have much to choose from and cannot combined well with only one opponent.

This game is able to attract your attention. Wherever you play, passers-by are going to ask about it and hang around curiously. It’s the beautiful design of tiles and really colorful look that can catch each eye. Processing is thus at really high level, even if we focus on the quality of processing itself.


Lanterns: The Harvest Festival is a simple game, but still with many to be memorized for. Its simplicity and elegant gameplay gives all the families and beginners, what they want. And still can surprise even experienced players who are looking for entertainment to relax with. Graceful tranquility of the game Lanterns: The Harvest Festival exudes really far.


Informace o hře ze serveru BoardGameGeek (odkazy směřují tam)
AutorChristopher Chung
IlustraceChristopher Chung, Alexey Kot, Beth Sobel
VydavatelFoxtrot Games, Renegade Game Studios, Broadway Toys LTD, CrowD Games, Devir, Games Factory Publishing, Korea Boardgames, Lex Games, Matagot, Pegasus Spiele, White Goblin Games
Rok vydání2015
Počet hráčů2 - 4
Herní doba30
Minimální věk8 and up
Jazyková závislostNo necessary in-game text
(18 voters)
KategorieAbstract Strategy
MechanismyHand Management, Pattern Building, Set Collection, Tile Placement
RozšířeníDe Lampionnen van Lanzhou: promotegels 2019, Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts, Lanterns: The Harvest Festival – Dice Tower Promo Tile, Lanterns: The Harvest Festival – Game Boy Geek Promo Tile, Lanterns: The Harvest Festival – Promo Tiles, Lanterns: The Harvest Festival – Snowflake Promo Tile, Santa's Renegades
RodinaCountry: China, Crowdfunding: Kickstarter, Digital Implementations: Google Play, Game: Lanterns – The Harvest Festival, Misc: Mensa Select, Organizations: The Game Artisans of Canada, Rivers: Yangtze
Alternativní názvyFestiwal lampionów, Lampioane, De lampionnen van Lanzhou, Lanternes, Lichterfest, Yangtze, Фонарики: Праздник урожая, 花燈盛會, 花燈盛會, 등불축제

Více o hře.

Review: Lanterns The Harvest Festival – glowing lights on water
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival is a game, that can easily be learned by anyone. And believe me, there will be no shortage of candidates, because a lot of people will want to try and play it. And that's good, because under the beautiful lid hides a great game with a unique idea of giving out cards. This allows difficult decisions, yet retains simple rules and constant choice and control over the parts for all involved. Lanterns: The Harvest Festival is a unique family game, that we can only recommend.

+ great graphics and overall appearance
+ excellent idea of handing out cards by seating
+ fast game
+ close until the end
+ simple rules
+ you happily return to the game

- not so good with two
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