Review: MammuZ – attack of extinct species


Mammoths could have been best friend of squirrels. And dinosaurs were able to make friends of all kind of mice. We will never know. And yet there is one chance to learn about it. To play game of life and extinction with them are return to medieval ages.

This is possible thanks to small box card game called MammuZ. It originally comes from production of Hobby World and specifically from head of Nikolay Pegasus. And while original version was released back in 2012 in Russian, now we have opportunity to try it too. This is possible thanks to Abacus Spiele, who released it as their new product for the year 2015.

Small box with purple mammoth and his squirrel friend contains rules and nothing less than two piles of cards. There is 58 of them together and fifty of them will be really used for gaming. Remaining eight represents all animals, that are available on cards and single digit in their color. This value tells us, how many of them is hidden inside the deck.


You need no additional information on animal cards besides this number, but there still is repeated this same number expressing vulnerability of current species to extinction. Remaining six cards are a big surprise – these are dinosaurs, who are used as a kind of action cards with symbols in the corners, expressing their direct effect.

At the beginning of the game, eight informative cards are spread into middle of the table, for all players to see. Over time, they can also become place, where animals are marked as extinct. So far, however, game will involve only certain animal cards according to number of participating players (usually there will be no mice and few dinosaurs as well). All those cards must be sorted out and rest of them shuffled and equally divided between opponents.

Selected starting player now has honor to lay out first set of cards from his hand. It may comprise of one to four cards, which he plays face down in front of him. As soon as these animals are safely hidden on the table, he tells opponents, what kind of animal it should be. But because cards are laid face down, he can speak truth or not. This set can be composed of any card, and no one would know. Other players are trying to follow his choice and play groups of cards, which should also include reported pet.


Opposite situation can only occur, if next player in turn calls his statement into question. To satisfy his incredulity, he can choose and rotate any one of group of cards and see its identity for himself. If his suspicions was justified, any played cards are going back to their owner. If he was wrong and statement true, he has to take all these cards for himself.

In any case, it’s time to move on to the next round. Everything can still be a little different, if exposed card is a dinosaur. They have special effects and may award a penalty card for any player, be set aside on criminal pile for the next round or be eaten by Tyrannosaurus Rex.

From all this, it is clear, that receiving new cards is not good news. And it’s no surprise, that players are not going for anything else, than getting rid of all their cards. However, even last played card should be used in accordance with the rules, because next player has a duty to challenge it and therefore chance to return joyful winner back to the match. Just in case, that everything goes well, player can enjoy his deserved victory.


MammuZ is fast and fun card game. There is no doubt about it, and you even might have sensed it from our rules description. If any of you like bluffing, you will be in your element here. Similarly like in the game called Prohis, it is all about trust and distrust of opponents. Properly timed move can be the one to sink your enemies. But one mistake and the one, who is falling to darkness with bubbles and anchor on his leg, is you.

This feeling of uncertainty remains in play throughout the game. One mistake will not cost you victory, because getting rid of all the cards is a matter of more rounds. Positions in the game often changes and you can never be sure, whether this time your cheating will be discovered. And you cannot stay completely clean and true, because you will not be able to get your cards away soon enough.

Big reversal are dinosaur cards, that allow some tactics. If you know, that your opponent is going to challenge your cards, you simply send him a dinosaur. Even if he is successful, he will be forced to swallow all the cards lying by himself. There is nothing like this feeling of triumph.


And this is a short game full of exciting moments, especially when it involves a larger number of opponents. But because questioning relates only to direct rivals, there is no loss of significant influence, when reducing number of participants. It can still be well played in three and also by children from the age of eight. It’s good family fun, because children love to lie, conceal and reveal hypocrisy of others. This prepares for you a lot of funny moments. All this in a very pleasant time playing around fifteen minutes.

Game looks kind of cute and contains a number of colorful illustrations, that kids will love at first sight. In addition to cards, there is nothing in this box. So only they can create good impression and, fortunately, they are succeeding.

MammuZ is a very good candidate for localization into Czech for us. At one time, there was a surplus of small card games, and now they disappeared somewhere. This news is very interesting way to return to this tradition. The game has solid potential, can well entertain and deliver a pile of fun to players, whether beginners or demanding. MammuZ card game is beautifully simple act, that deserves your attention.


Informace o hře ze serveru BoardGameGeek (odkazy směřují tam)
AutorNikolay Pegasov
IlustraceFiore GmbH, Ilya Komarov
VydavatelABACUSSPIELE, Cube Factory of Ideas, DV Games, Hobby World, Kaissa Chess & Games
Rok vydání2013
Počet hráčů3 - 7
Herní doba20
Minimální věk7 and up
Jazyková závislostNo necessary in-game text
(7 voters)
KategorieAnimals, Bluffing, Card Game, Memory
MechanismyHand Management, Memory
RozšířeníSauries: Tyrannosaurus Promo
RodinaAnimals: Dinosaurs, Animals: Mammoths, Card Games: Shedding / Stops
Alternativní názvyDinopody, Sauries, Το Μαμούθ και η Παρέα του, Заврики

Více o hře.


Review: MammuZ – attack of extinct species
MammuZ is an elegant card game revolving around bluffing. Players use cards and tell something about them to others, but that, in fact, may not be true. It is only their neighbor, who can distrust them and attempt to convict them of lying. Everything goes very quickly and is full of twists from beginning to end. Dinosaur cards allow a little bit more planning and control, but it does not change the fact, that luck is still the main element. MammuZ is still nice and fun card game, which has guaranteed place on the market.

+ nice illustrations
+ fun and fast game
+ bluffing
+ tactical options with dinosaurs
+ for children and families

- nothing for opponents of bluffing and luck
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